Rotary Emblem

Los Altos Rotary Club

Home of the Annual Rotary Fine Art Show

April 29 2010

Writer: Matt Cabot  - Photographer: Larry Madsen  - Editor:  Cindy Luedtke
This Thursday's Program: May 6 2010 Dr. Dale Hull
Overcoming Adversity -- Nuero Works Foundation

          Kurt Hueg, Bonnie Burdett and Kathy Berry     

While the air was a bit chilly, a warm welcoming committee greeted LARC members, Visiting Rotarians (there was one) and guests.  The committee consisted of, KURT HUEG,  BONNIE BURDETT and CATHY BERRY 

President Tracie MaurrayPresident TRACIE MURRAY started the meeting with her reprise of Robin Williams' famous "Good Morning Viet Nam!"

Visiting Rotarians and PRESIDENT TRACIE MURRAY mentioned that last Wednesday 4/28/10 was the first joint mixer hosted by both LARC and Los Altos Kiwanis Clubs.  Our two service clubs teamed up with the Los Altos History Museum to hold a very very successful Mixer for the Los Altos Chamber of Commerce. 

The History Museum provided the facility, Rotary provided the wine, and both Kiwanis and Rotary procured the food.  Food donations were made by Panini’s, Chef Chu’s, Los Altos Bakery, and Cedar Crest. It is estimated that there were over 200 guests at the Mixer that night.  JOHN HAMMERSCHMIDT was the grand prize cash winner at $200!

Guests were greeted and introduced.  President Tracie asked how many attended the District Conference.  It seems that everyone who did attend received an award from the District, except our own President.  Like PP DICK HENNING, her reward will come if she lives as long as DICK has lived. 

PP Dick HenningDr. HENNING received a Service Above Self Award, as (one of) his recognitions for his service to the District over the years.  Rarer than hen's teeth, his reward was one of about 150 given throughout the world (That's .01% for you math people). We all should live so long.

Pres Tracie and Allart LigtenbergNot to be out done, ALLART LIGTENBERG  received the District 5170  award for Excellence in International Fellowship for his work around the globe, particularly in Nepal . Allart's display of solar cooking also won second place in the House of Friendship display at the district conference.





Ted Sorensen and John CardozaMembership Chair JOHN CARDOZA introduced us to the newest member of the club, TED SORENSON who was sponsored by MIKE ABRAMS.  Since Mike was not there to tell us about Ted, John did a fine job.  As is the custom, Ted was welcomed into the club with a standing ovation. 



Kurt HuegKURT HUEG, while greeted like a guillotine operator, actually put a smile on our face as he deftly snuck his hand in our pockets.

Michael StadlenMICHAEL STADLEN introduced Martin Eichner from LAMP (Los Altos Mediation Program).  LAMP is a non-governmental group that facilitates disputes between individuals.  It deals with:

Martin EichnerMr. Eichner described, while as an attorney, he felt that all parties involved in the traditional "I'll sue you" mentality, got beaten up.  No one was a winner.  He felt, and feels that the solution is mediation where individuals decide on a mutual solution.  He said that the mediator facilitates that goal, whereas an arbitrator decides the outcome.

He said that the mediation program, a program of the Los Altos Community Foundation was the "best kept secret" in town.  He feels that the program is underutilized.  Currently, about 30 cases a year go to mediation in Los Altos/Los Altos Hills
Do you think the ratio of attorneys in the club to mediators has anything to do with this?  Actually no one asked that question, but I did think of it.  We have a surprising number of members involved in the LAMP program:  PP ROY LAVE (naturally), MIKE ABRAMS, SHELLY POTVIN, MICHAEL STADLEN to name some, not all, I am sure.  I flunked shorthand. Well, it looks like I use shorthand, but that is just because of all my computer keyboard use, my penmanship has gone to pot.
I have Mr. Eichner's power point presentation on the web HERE in case you missed it.  You will have to provide your own sound though.


For more information give Ric Rudman (a good friend of mine)  a call at 650-949-5267 or email them at or visit them online at: