Los Altos Rotary Club
Home of the Annual Rotary Fine Art Show
April 29 2010
Writer: Matt Cabot -
Photographer: Larry Madsen
- Editor: Cindy Luedtke |
This Thursday's Program: May 6 2010
Dr. Dale Hull
Overcoming Adversity -- Nuero Works Foundation
While the air was a bit chilly, a warm welcoming committee greeted LARC members,
Visiting Rotarians (there was one) and guests. The committee consisted of,
President TRACIE MURRAY started the meeting with her reprise of Robin
Williams' famous "Good Morning Viet Nam!"
Visiting Rotarians and PRESIDENT TRACIE MURRAY mentioned that last Wednesday
4/28/10 was the first joint mixer hosted by both LARC and Los Altos Kiwanis
Clubs. Our two service clubs teamed up with the Los Altos History Museum
to hold a very very successful Mixer for the Los Altos Chamber of Commerce.
The History Museum provided the facility, Rotary provided the wine, and both
Kiwanis and Rotary procured the food. Food donations were made by
Panini’s, Chef Chu’s, Los Altos Bakery, and Cedar Crest. It is estimated that
there were over 200 guests at the Mixer that night. JOHN HAMMERSCHMIDT was
the grand prize cash winner at $200!
Guests were greeted and introduced. President Tracie asked how many
attended the District Conference. It seems that everyone who did attend
received an award from the District, except our own President. Like PP
DICK HENNING, her reward will come if she lives as long as DICK has lived.
Dr. HENNING received a Service Above Self Award, as (one of) his recognitions
for his service to the District over the years. Rarer than hen's teeth,
his reward was one of about 150 given throughout the world (That's .01% for you
math people). We all should live so long.
Not to be out done, ALLART LIGTENBERG received the District 5170 award for
Excellence in International Fellowship for his work around the globe,
particularly in Nepal . Allart's display of solar cooking also won second place
in the House of Friendship display at the district conference.
Membership Chair JOHN CARDOZA introduced us to the newest member of the
club, TED SORENSON who was sponsored by MIKE ABRAMS. Since Mike was not
there to tell us about Ted, John did a fine job. As is the custom, Ted was
welcomed into the club with a standing ovation.
JOHN SYLVESTER reminded us about the monthly LARC social at COETA
CHAMBER'S house on Friday night. These wine and cheese events are a good way
to get to know other LARC members in a social environment. Most of us
seem to have a habit of sitting at the same table, lunch after lunch, so it
is difficult to get to know the other 160 members of our club. From my
experience, 90% of the club is worth knowing a lot better than saying "Hi"
in the 'Get-Your-Badge-And-Pay-Your-Money" line. So a monthly LARC
social is the ideal place. Of course, you could just jump from table
to table at lunch, but quite often you would be interrupted by President
Tracie ringing that dang bell.
- PP SETH MANNING announced that there will be a meeting of anyone
interested in kicking out President Tracie (at the appropriate time) after
next week’s (May 6) meeting. For you new people, that was not
sedition, but rather an annual affair to make way for the incoming
president, Dennis Young, in July. As immediate Past President, SETH
is Chair of this much anticipated affair and can use your help. So if
you are interested, seek him out next week, or email him indicating your
KENDRA GJERSETH was selling art show shirts again. Not that the
graphics art business was in the dumps, these are shirts that are made to
make you stand out at the art show as part of LARC and a helping hand.
From what I can tell from my shirt, they seem to run REALLY big. I
ordered an XL to cover my aging body, and the sleeves came down almost to my
wrists, so be careful. Kendra is ordering another batch so if you want
one and didn't get in on the first round, send her an email or see her next
- JEAN MORDO announced that we will be selling raffle tickets soon.
The tickets will sell for $5.00 individually or five for $20.00 and there
are some fabulous trip prizes to be won. Proceed from this project
will go to our WCS project in Haiti. Each Rotarian is expected to sell
tickets to their friends and neighbors. In addition, tickets will be
sold at the Art Show. If all tickets are sold, it is estimated we can
make $12,000 clear profit.
HERB MARSHALL, ever mindful of staffing the Art Show mentioned that
there were still 30 positions unmanned (er, unpersoned?) out of 450 jobs.
While that sounds good, and it certainly is, 30 important jobs need to be
filled so that nothing is left out, and people who visit our fundraiser have
a good time and are well taken care of. Herb passed around a
clipboard, but you can also go to the website
HERE and look for positions
that are empty, and sign up. Everyone is expected to do
at least 2
jobs. Some are doing 3, 4, 5 and even 9 jobs . Remember Rotary's motto,
“Service Above Self” and take on an extra shift or two if you are able.
- Visiting Rotarian, PDG* Carolyn Schuetz Baysdorfer, from Alameda Rotary Club,
told us that the Legislative Committee of Rotary International is in the
process of creating a new Avenue of Service; New Generations. Does
anyone know what the current Avenues of Service are? This may be a
good question for our Fine Master to ask in the future. The truth is,
since so much of our Rotary focus is on youth, it is appropriate to have its
own designation, as opposed to being part of Community Service. The
Los Altos Rotary Club has had a Youth and Vocation Director all along, so
we’re ahead of the game, and this concept fits right in with our Club
structure. *PDG is short for Past District Governor, so a really big deal.
RANDY GARD, one of the 45 members of our Golf Tournament Committee reminded
us about the annual golf tournament on my birthday June 4th. I
appreciate the celebration but as I have been told, "It's not about me."
We do this thing every year, bang the ball around, loose it, find someone
else's ball, and talk a good should've, would've, could've. The golf
thing is followed by a delightful dinner, the requisite awards and again
fellowship. Following dinner, is a not-so-cut-throat rendition of
Texas Hold ‘em. If you are not a golfer, skip the shenanigans and go
directly to the dinner/poker thing; very appropriate. Sign up on the
clipboard going around at the meetings.
PP SAM PESNER mentioned that post cards were available on the table
exiting the meeting or at his office for the next week or so. People
should take those to hand out to people you know.
- Fearless Red-Badge leader, ABBY AHRENS cautioned us to bring our wallets
next week because Mother's Day is coming up and the Red Badgers, being the
opportunists that they are, are planning on having another auction.
Proceeds of the Red-Badge project will go to help spruce up our meeting
hall. Their last auction was quite well received. With the guilt
of other's day looming, this one this coming Thursday should be a humdinger.
KURT HUEG, while greeted like a guillotine operator, actually put a smile on
our face as he deftly snuck his hand in our pockets.
- JOHN HAMMERSCHMIDT paid a 25% tax on the $200 he won at the Rotary /
Kiwanis mixer. There is a real temptation to mention something about
Obama, but I will refrain.
- RANDY GARD was charged $20 because the 4 Way Test Banner fell during his
announcement. It may or may not say something about his veracity.
Its hard to tell, because it fell during the speaker's comments as well.
Read into it what you will.
- ALLART LIGTENBERG had a $50 story, and boy did he get his money's worth.
BTW, at the risk of hacking off KURT, he should notice that Allart's last
name does not have an H in it. It is LIG, as in big, or gig, not LIGHT as in
well, light.
- JERRY TOMANEK, an over- achiever, paid $41 for the fact that there was
still fire in the furnace, celebrating his 41st wedding anniversary.
- JEAN MORDO, another over-achiever and under-achiever (Kurt's words, not
mine) PAUL NYBERG got into a great and lively debate, but I didn't hear the
cash register ring. Well, I guess it did ring for $40 for one, and $10
for the other, but I couldn't keep track of who did what to whom. The
whole rift was something about publishing an unauthorized photograph in the
travel section. How much is a camel ride worth?
- All was going well until PP LARRY MADSEN stood up and made a great
impersonation, of PP DAN DUTTON. Again, I didn't hear the cash
register ring, but we heard all about his granddaughter. And rightly
so; quite an impressive young lady in College Swimming. She must have
gotten her impressiveness from her grandmother.
I will summarize the filibuster and save you 10 - 15 minutes of your life: 1st in the nation in
50 yard freestyle, 3rd place nationally in, I don't know, 1,600 meter?
This thing was so long, even JOHN SINES couldn't sleep through it all. It
was so long that President Tracie had to get up twice. Where is the hook
when we need it?
- KIM COPHER honored her late mother-in-law with a hundred dollars to the Relay for Life for cancer research.
- PP DON HULL explained why he didn't wear his tu-tu, or was it his fairy wand to Chef Chu's the other night. Don't ask.
MICHAEL STADLEN introduced Martin Eichner from LAMP (Los Altos
Mediation Program). LAMP is a non-governmental group that facilitates
disputes between individuals. It deals with:
- Neighbor to neighbor
- Landlord and tenant
- Workplace
- Parent and teen
- Roommates
Mr. Eichner described, while as an attorney, he felt that all parties
involved in the traditional "I'll sue you" mentality, got beaten up. No
one was a winner. He felt, and feels that the solution is mediation where
individuals decide on a mutual solution. He said that the mediator
facilitates that goal, whereas an arbitrator decides the outcome.
He said that the mediation program, a program of the Los Altos Community
Foundation was the "best kept secret" in town. He feels that the program
is underutilized. Currently, about 30 cases a year go to mediation in Los
Altos/Los Altos Hills
Do you think the ratio of attorneys in the club to mediators has anything to do
with this? Actually no one asked that question, but I did think of it.
We have a surprising number of members involved in the LAMP program: PP
not all, I am sure. I flunked shorthand. Well, it looks like I use
shorthand, but that is just because of all my computer keyboard use, my
penmanship has gone to pot.
I have Mr. Eichner's power point presentation on the web
HERE in case you missed
it. You will have to provide your own sound though.
- Confidential
- Volunteer
- Neutral
- Effective
- Fast, convenient and FREE
For more information give Ric Rudman (a good friend of mine) a call at
650-949-5267 or email them at mediate4lamp@projsen.org or visit them online at: